Various photos
Rather than go back to all the previous posts and try to sandwich in the photos, I think I'll try loading a couple of them up here, putting a title on each of them with a link to the date of the post about each particular photo, and leave it at that.
Here we go:

Fattoria de Corsignano - north of Siena, just past Vagliali.
Loui and Carol are standing outside the little building that serves as the office on the main level, and houses the wine casks from the vineyards on the level below. And I just love this wonderful flower cart, set right in the middle of the pathway one must cross to get to anything on the property. It is most picturesque! And the whole place is lovely, run by Mario and Elena. I'd love to spend a week here sometime in the future!
Here we go:

Fattoria de Corsignano - north of Siena, just past Vagliali.
Loui and Carol are standing outside the little building that serves as the office on the main level, and houses the wine casks from the vineyards on the level below. And I just love this wonderful flower cart, set right in the middle of the pathway one must cross to get to anything on the property. It is most picturesque! And the whole place is lovely, run by Mario and Elena. I'd love to spend a week here sometime in the future!